Fact Sheet Alphabetical List

  • Air Force Contract Augmentation Program (AFCAP)

    AFCAP is a rapid response contingency contract mechanism that uses pre-qualified vendors via fixed price or cost reimbursement task orders to provide U.S. Government entities a cost effective, yet highly responsive solution to meet urgent mission requirements.

  • Natural Disaster Recovery Division History

    On Oct. 10, 2018, Hurricane Michael made landfall in the Florida panhandle and the eye of the storm passed directly over Tyndall Air Force Base. With sustained winds of 155 miles per hour, the category 5 hurricane destroyed most of the installation and surrounding area.Immediately following the

  • Readiness Challenge

    Readiness Challenge is a capstone event to test the readiness of Air Force Civil Engineers across the full-spectrum of Integrated Base Response & Recovery (IBRR) operations. During the event, Civil Engineers demonstrated their capacity and capability to execute critical operations in a

  • AICUZ Studies: A general overview

    Air Installations Compatible Use Zones, or AICUZ, is a program concerning people, safety and protection.  The Department of Defense established the AICUZ program to promote proactive, collaborative planning for compatible development to sustain mission and community goals. This AICUZ study provides

  • Air Force Materiel Command

    Headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Air Force Materiel Command is a major command created July 1, 1992. The command conducts research, development, test and evaluation, and provides acquisition management services and logistics support necessary to keep Air Force weapon systems

  • Air Force Security Forces Center

    The Air Force Security Forces Center, located at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, is one of four Primary Subordinate Units under the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center and assigned to Air Force Materiel Command. AFSFC trains, equips and manages program execution for the Air

  • AFICC Contracting Business Opportunities

    All Air Force Installation Contracting Center opportunities (requests for information, contract solicitations, etc.) are posted electronically on the Federal Government Contract Opportunities website. This list is provided to assist with your search; however, it is your responsibility to conduct

  • Air Force Services Center

    The Air Force Services Center (AFSVC), with headquarters in San Antonio, Texas, is a primary support unit of the Headquarters Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center, Air Force Materiel Command.

  • DAF World Class Athlete Program

    The Department of the Air Force World Class Athlete Program, managed by the Air Force Services Center, was established in 1995 to continue the legacy of Tuskegee Airman Malvin G. Whitfield. Whitfield, a Korean War tail gunner, became the first active-duty American serviceman to win Olympic gold in

  • Brief History of the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center

    OverviewThe Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center, with headquarters at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, is one of six specialized centers assigned to Air Force Materiel Command. AFIMSC serves as the single intermediate-level headquarters responsible for providing installation and

  • AF Installation & Mission Support Center

    The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center team takes care of Airmen, Guardians, and families and keeps airfields and infrastructure combat ready by managing installation and mission support programs for more than 30 Air Force specialties and 83 installations across the Air Force and

  • Air Force Civil Engineer Center

    Mission: Deliver Civil Engineer expertise and services … strengthening installations and enhancing combat power.Vision: Airmen Engineers sought to deliver proactive, responsive, and reliable products and services for power projection platforms.Overview:The Air Force Civil Engineer Center, located at