In this era of Great Power Competition, the Air Force is undergoing a significant operational transformation to integrate Agile Combat Employment (ACE) operations. ACE will require delegated assumptions of risk involving small teams that will operate autonomously. This will require leaders and subordinate leaders to make risk-informed decisions based upon their experience, training, and the situation at hand.
To better prepare the force for these operations, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Allvin recently launched the Air Force-wide Risk and Readiness Campaign. Throughout the remainder of the fiscal year, we will all take some time to sharpen our risk management skills. This small sacrifice of time and effort that will pay big dividends, such as saving lives and resources.
The campaign includes a kick-off video message from Gen Allvin, risk management training, group discussions, and exercises. This is a great opportunity for us to get together and breathe new life into our RM program while team building. HQ AFIMSC Directorates and Staff, PSUs, and Detachments will have the opportunity to execute portions of the training in a manner they see fit given mission operations and schedule considerations. Bottom line: We will meet the intent CSAF lays out in his video remarks.
The AFIMSC Safety Office will follow up in a separate email with further campaign execution information. For now, review the slides provided and view the CSAF video so we all have the same sight picture and focus as we complete other campaign actions.