The center delivers Air Force enterprise-wide Services capabilities, programs and activities to build and sustain ready, resilient Airmen, Guardians, and families. It provides Air Force-wide technical assistance, new initiatives, programs, procedures development, and Nonappropriated Fund (NAF) central support management. The Center ensures successful operation of essential food, fitness, child care, lodging, libraries, educational support programs and recreational opportunities such as golf, bowling, and outdoor recreation programs for Airmen, Guardians, and their families. AFSVC also manages and operates all Air Force NAF systems for field support to include banking, investments, purchasing, data flow, insurance benefits programs, and the personnel system for approximately 28,000 NAF employees and retirees around the world.
Services professionals investing in Airmen, Guardians and families, anywhere, anytime!
AFSVC has approximately 800 Air Force military and civilian personnel assigned.
The Center, composed of eight directorates, oversees Services and force support operations worldwide:
The Mission Operations Directorate provides Air Force-level technical support, initiatives, operational training and guidance in both appropriated fund (APF) and NAF food and beverage operations, clubs, fitness and sports, installation capital improvement and Services readiness programs. It is responsible for the Food 2.0 initiative which more efficiently meets the needs and preferences of Airmen by maximizing base resources, combining the APF and NAF customer base into one, installation-focused feeding program. The Directorate also provides contingency and wartime guidance for real world events, supporting Services operations, develops deployable force packages, and oversees the field equipment modernization program. Additionally, it centrally manages over 22K pieces of fitness equipment valued at $54M for 164 fitness facilities, maintains program management of the Department of the Air Force’s World Class Athlete and Air Force Shooting Programs, and founded and manages the flagship gaming and Esports portfolio.
The Community Programs Directorate provides a wide range of technical assistance, training, and support to help installation-level managers world-wide operate an array of Air Force Services programs, including Arts & Crafts; Community Centers; Child Development and Youth Programs; School Liaison Program, Entertainment; and Libraries. Additionally, the Directorate centrally-manages the Recharge for Resiliency (R4R) initiative, which leverages the aforementioned activities to provide morale opportunities for single and/or deployed-affected Airmen and their families, as well as to foster cohesion within Air Force units.
The Business Operations Directorate provides Air Force-level technical support, initiatives, operational training and guidance for Lodging, Fisher House, Name Brand Food, and Recreation programs. It is responsible for the Air Force Lodging program which provides 88 quality lodging facilities and service to authorized personnel in order to maintain mission readiness and quality of life, while keeping official travel costs to a minimum. It is currently centralized at the Air Force Services Center. The Directorate also oversees 14 Fisher Houses across 8 installations. Each house provides temporary, complimentary and convenient familial lodging for eligible active and retired military members, veterans, and their families, while they are receiving care at or near a Military Treatment Facility, or for families of the fallen (Dover AFB). The Business Operations Directorate is also responsible for the implementation and oversight of Name Brand Foods. This initiative has welcomed three new brand partners at four approved locations, and is designed to enhance food quality through expanding variety, availability, nutritious meal options and restoring a sense of community through a meaningful experience across the enterprise. Furthermore, the Directorate manages and supports a variety of Recreation programs that offer numerous recreational events and activities for active duty and retired Airmen, Guardians and their families. These programs include Aero Clubs, Golf, Bowling, Outdoor Recreation, Information Ticket and Tour operations, and Adult Gaming.
The Installation Support Directorate delivers day-to-day operational Services support to 88 installations and 10 major commands (MAJCOMs) through Services enterprise-wide guidance. The directorate ensures program quality control and standardization through technical and staff assistance and oversight for Services programs, including the NAF personnel system, employee benefits and compensation programs, Air Force NAF insurance programs, and the Force Support Squadron (FSS)/Services Career Field Education and Training Program. Additionally, it offers guidance to unified and MAJCOMs on management and use of Services Air Reserve component personnel and centralized base-level NAF accounting and human resources services to 10 Air Force Reserve Command installations. The focus of the Installation Support Directorate is clear and frequent communication with installations via regularly hosted virtual meetings, myFSS/myServices and the bi-monthly AFSVC Update to remove obstacles and facilitate the base’s capability to execute programs that positively impact the quality of life and cultivate resiliency for the 1.7 million person customer base. The Installation Support Directorate also supports 220 NAF Instrumentalities worldwide that generate $1.1B in revenue to support the facilities and programs to build and retain Airmen and Guardians. The backbone of these operations are the 16.5K NAF employees. The AF Services Financial Management System ensures accurate and timely payments to the active and retired NAF workforce, along with payment and distribution of all tax and benefit entitlements. Proper payroll function ensures the health and viability of all the NAF benefits programs: retirement plan, 401k plan, and health and life insurance. As part of the directorate, the Shared Services Center also provides accounting, payment and payroll services for all AF NAF activities world-wide and publishes financial statements and supporting schedules for the NAF enterprise. This information is the foundation for financial analysis, reporting, and decision-making at all levels of Air Force Services.
The Financial Management and Comptroller Directorate manages quality financial service for AFSVC, MAJCOMs, and NAF instrumentalities worldwide. It manages and provides oversight of the 10 Services’ central funds to include Air Force Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Fund, Air Force Base Capital Improvement Fund, Air Force Insurance Fund, Air Force NAF Employee Retirement Plan Trust, Air Force NAF Employees’ 401(k) Savings Plan, Air Force Lodging Fund, Air Force Civilian Welfare Fund, Fisher House Fund, Air Force Financial Management Fund and Air Force Mission Essential Feeding Fund. The directorate operates a world-class financial management enterprise to modernize retail and customer relations management. It uses industry “best standards” and technology to improve efficiency and effectiveness, integrates existing information systems and procures new technology to meet program requirements.
The NAF Procurement Directorate, also known as the Air Force NAF Procurement Office (AFNAFPO), provides global strategic sourcing support to AFSVC and FSSs world-wide. AFNAFPO is also responsible for providing NAF contracting officer certification, training and guidance on NAF procurement policy and procedures. Its primary mission is to provide value (quality, performance, and price) from a centralized office with decentralized installation-level execution to enhance the “procure-to-pay” function. At the strategic level, AFNAFPO delivers complex contracting support for transformation initiatives, financial and banking services, NAF purchase card, employee benefits, business systems, NAF construction, amusement machines, communications, information technology and lodging centralization. Through the Commander's Smart Buy Program (CSBP), the directorate leverages purchasing power by delivering decentralized ordering capability supporting day-to-day tactical operations. The CSBP promotes purchasing effectiveness as a management tool; assisting all commanders, regardless of service component, in acquiring quality products at favorable prices. Additionally, AFNAFPO provides specialized support through consolidated purchases, individual support contracts, product special programs and trade show buying. Further, AFNAFPO is responsible for managing eBusiness tools such as the Internet Based Purchasing System.
The Business Information Technology Systems Directorate manages information technology systems for AFSVC and the force support community in the field. It provides IT network, systems and database operational support and sustainment to the AFSVC Business Activity Network in support of NAF Instrumentalities. It is the focal point for IT requirements validation, business enterprise architecture and systems acquisition oversight. The directorate establishes IT strategic goals and ensures deployed systems are supportable, can integrate into Air Force communications and information infrastructure, and meet Federal, DoD and Air Force IT policies, mandates, standards and criteria. It also advises and assists the commander and directors to ensure IT is acquired and managed in a manner that implements Air Force Chief Information Officer policies and procedures and complies with the IT Management Reform Act of 1996 (Clinger-Cohen Act). The directorate assists functional business owners on IT issues and helps facilitate improvements in operational and business practices through effective use of IT.
Director of Staff and Requirements is the focal point for future concepts and strategies, through oversight and development, and execution of comprehensive strategic plans and programs in support of AFSVC’s worldwide mission.
Additionally, it provides enterprise-wide marketing support to installations and Air Force-level customers. The Marketing team provides support for centrally managed programs and promotions, graphic design, commercial sponsorship and advertising, as well as video initiatives. It is responsible for interpreting and analyzing research findings for applicability in the field and provides marketing assistance, research, and training to more than 88 installation-marketing offices in direct support of Airmen, Guardians and their families. This directorate also manages the Public Accountant Contract Audit program, which develops audit requirements for NAF Instrumentalities and business operations to ensure independence and integrity of audit oversight functions of Air Force Services and Finance committees. Additionally, this office executes the Records Management, Freedom of Information Act and Privacy programs for AFSVC. Finally, internal human resources personnel actions, both APF and NAF, are managed through the HR liaison under the Director of Staff and Requirements umbrella.
(Current as of 23 May 2022)