JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas – It’s Mission Monday. Meet Justin Stevens, he’s part of the headquarters Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center's executive support team.
Stevens is the AFIMSC HQ Workflow lead, enabling task management for both internal and external customers across the Air Force enterprise. He also provides protocol support for distinguished visitors and high-level meetings across the center.
We asked the Blountstown, Florida, native to tell us about himself and the work he does for the Department of the Air Force.
What do you love about your job?
The support and comradery I get from the director of staff leadership and the workflow managers throughout the center. Workflow teams, at all levels, work together as one and it’s amazing to see how they get the job done day in and day out. Every day is a new challenge, and it’s gratifying to see our team accomplishing those challenges together consistently.
When it comes to your job, what keeps you motivated?
The main thing is seeing how the tasks we work daily at workflow affect the Air Force globally. Whether it is working to help coordinate efforts to provide disaster relief logistics to an installation after a hurricane or helping streamline tasking communications for our forward deployed warfighters, the job is extremely gratifying when you know your team played a part to accomplish that mission.
Why are you and your team important to the Air Force and Space Force enterprise and your customers?
The AFIMSC HQ Workflow team, to include WFs at all level, are very important as they’re a centralized point for the facilitation and tracking of key information and requests throughout the AFIMSC enterprise. Customers and leaders alike depend on organized, proficient task flow, and I feel our team excels in its efforts.
Describe a project or event you and your team worked on recently that gave you a great sense of accomplishment:
Just recently, the protocol team, which I support, worked logistics behind the 2023 Fall Installation & Mission Support Program Management Review. The I-PMR is designed to provide timely and relevant infrastructure analysis to allow Air Force leaders to make decisions for the future of our installations. While there were many challenges, between changes and logistic, our protocol team ensured a highly productive event for key Air Force principals without an issue. The mountain-size efforts that go into these events can be stressful, but it makes it all worth it when you are able to see the finished product and how beneficial it is Air Force wide!
How does what you do support AFIMSC’s strategic priorities?
I am retired Army (all Soldiers are required to bring it up when the opportunity arises, ha!). Coming from active-duty Army over to Air Force was initially a challenge, but one I was up for. One of the more helpful tools provided to me by my supervisor was a rundown of the AFIMSC strategic priorities. While understanding and learning “who is who” was important, the mission driven strategies of this great organization is what got me in the right frame of mind and helped me understand the importance and need of my small team at headquarters workflow. Workflows throughout our center help provide our leaders with information and task organization, which keeps our organization a stronger, lethal force. The AFIMSC HQ workflow team at all levels ensure that AFIMSC stays on course with our mission of “delivering globally integrated I&MS to enhance warfighter readiness and lethality for America’s Air and Space Force.”