WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – It’s Mission Monday. Meet Erin Massie, a financial analyst with the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center’s Detachment 6 at Wright-Patterson AFB.
She provides financial management support to the Air Force Materiel Command’s $1 billion installation and mission support portfolio by working emergent requirements, storm damage recovery, military family housing, planning and programming, and funds execution.
We asked Massie, an Ohio native born and raised in Saint Paris, to tell us a little more about herself and the work she does for the Department of the Air Force.
What do you love about your job?
The people I work with, whether at base level, AFIMSC headquarters, our primary subordinate units or my fellow detachment “Six Shooters.” I feel that I have a great working relationship with all of my counterparts and they can reach out to me at any time for assistance.
When it comes to your job, what keeps you motivated?
I really enjoy being able to make a difference by resolving mission-critical funding issues that have real-world impacts. I’m one small cog in the Air Force, helping keep our installations running smoothly and ensuring our great Airmen are efficiently and effectively supported in all aspects.
Why are you and your team important to the Air Force and Space Force enterprise and your customers?
Our entire detachment is dedicated to helping installations meet their mission needs while supporting AFIMSC’s and AFMC’s strategic priorities. We provide support to civil engineering, energy assurance, financial management and protection services across the Air Force by helping resolve critical issues before our Airmen and families are impacted.
Describe a project or event you and your team worked on recently that gave you a great sense of accomplishment:
There are so many projects that we are a part of across AFMC. Each day brings a new set of challenges and projects. Whether it’s sourcing the funding to fix a roof at Robins AFB, Georgia, expanding family camp sites at Edwards AFB, California, or replacing an electrical substation after a fire at Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts, any assistance we can provide to help keep installations running smoothly is a win for Detachment 6.
How does what you do support AFIMSC’s strategic priorities?
We solve problems that Airmen don’t even know they have and we’re excellent at it. We work behind the scenes to resolve issues such as providing electronic security system inspections, working fire department union issues, basing and beddown reviews, and writing legislative proposals to cost effectively replace failing facilities and infrastructure. My specific role in these areas is to source funding or other strategies to keep the mission moving forward.
Is there anything else you’d like to add which might help people understand the importance of what you do for the Department of the Air Force?
Detachment 6 is a small team supporting a huge mission. At the detachment level, our work is accomplished below the radar to allow installations to focus on their daily operations. We strive to support AFIMSC and our AFMC installations at every opportunity.