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  • FSS leaders meet to tackle force support challenges

    Close to 260 force support squadron commanders and senior enlisted leaders attended the 2023 Force Support Squadron Leadership Conference Oct. 24-27 in San Antonio, sponsored by the Air Force Services Center. The event focused on evaluating the internal functions of force support squadrons from a

  • Gamers needed to help build Air Force strategy

    The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center is contracting with MITRE to test Airmen and Guardian decision making in a contested environment through video gaming. Registration opened Sept. 6 for military members to participate in eSports tournament GameX: Mission Generation Under Attack at

  • Air Force transporters deliver agility, lethality

    In recognition of National Defense Transportation Day on May 19, here’s a look at what AFIMSC’s logistics pros bring to the fight. Dominant logistic capabilities that traverse the air and ground are key to the agility and lethality of a superior force. That’s what the transportation teams at the Air

  • AFIMSC prioritizes Airmen, Guardian readiness

    The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center’s functional area managers and major command functional managers deliver lethality and readiness across the Department of the Air Force by ensuring installation and mission support Airmen have the resources and programs to train and be mission

  • DAF authorizes pass for COVID booster by Dec. 1

    Airmen and Guardians who receive the COVID-19 Bivalent Booster released in September are authorized a one-day special pass from their commander as long as the booster is administered by Dec. 1

  • 25th SecAF portrait unveiled during ceremony at Pentagon

    The official portrait of former Secretary of the Air Force Barbara M. Barrett, who also previously served as the U.S. ambassador to Finland, was unveiled in the Pentagon Auditorium, May 13, during a tribute to the stateswomen who led the Department of the Air Force from 2019 to 2021.

  • AFIMSC releases updated strategic plan

    The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center released its updated strategic plan Jan. 25, identifying new goals and objectives for helping two services, nine major commands and 83 installations execute their missions and take care of Airmen, Guardians and families around the world.