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  • New AFMC Professional Library encourages lifelong learning

    A new Air Force Materiel Command Professional Library offers Airmen and civilians the opportunity to embrace lifelong professional development with books, podcasts, articles and more, inspired by leadership recommendations across diverse subject areas.

  • AFMC, AFGE Council 214 sign updated telework MOA

    The Air Force Materiel Command signed an updated memorandum of agreement with the American Federation of Government Employees Council 214, Dec. 7, furthering efforts to normalize telework across the enterprise

  • AFMC We Need initiative achieves big win for nursing mothers

    Effective immediately, nursing mothers who work in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) or on a special access program (SAP) are permitted to carry battery-operated, Bluetooth-capable breast pumps into these work areas.

  • AFMC Connect November focus: Thoughtful

    The Air Force Materiel Command Connect focus for November is thoughtful. Team members who are thoughtful in their interactions with fellow Airmen add an essential ingredient to the health and overall success of the organization.

  • AFMC Connect July focus: Character

    The AFMC Connect focus for July is character. This is defined as the particular qualities or characteristics an individual displays that makes them distinct from another.  

  • AFMC Connect May focus: Contribute

    A healthy workplace is one in which everyone collaborates to achieve mission goals and feels compelled to contribute, which is the focus topic for AFMC Connect for May 2021. It is important for each individual Airman to contribute to a unit’s mission and to have that contribution recognized. Each

  • AFMC releases updated telework guidance

    The Air Force Materiel Command has released an updated guide to provide employees and supervisors with a one-stop reference to policies and procedures governing telework activity across the mission set. The 25-page document covers all aspects of telework, to include eligibility, training, pay, leave

  • AFMC reinforces value of mentoring, AFMC We Need

    To ensure the command and the Air Force has a strong leadership base to fly, fight and win into the future, the Air Force Materiel Command continues to encourage personnel at all levels to participate in mentorship programs in 2021.

  • Agile Patriot guides, grows future AFMC leaders

    The Air Force Materiel Command held the first-ever Agile Patriot professional development conference, Nov. 2-5, equipping emerging leaders with a greater understanding of the AFMC mission and the knowledge, skills and expertise to help lead the organization into the future.

  • New AFMC supervisor course aims to develop stronger leaders

    The course is a complement to the mandatory supervisor training provided by the Air Force and offers supervisors in-depth knowledge of personnel and workplace policies as well as the opportunity for practical application of concepts through case studies and collaborative learning.

  • AFMC successfully navigates Fiscal Year 2020 challenges

    With a focus rooted in the ability to sustain the mission and an eye towards long-term expansion and growth, the Air Force Materiel Command successfully executed a $67 billion portfolio in Fiscal Year 2020, ensuring operational mission success for our warfighters.

  • AFMC standardizes on-boarding, civilian acculturation

    New civilian employees can expect to get on the job faster as a result of a new, standardized Air Force Materiel Command Civilian Acculturation Program. The acculturation program aims to decrease on-boarding time while increasing effectiveness, ultimately setting employees up for success.

  • Facilities, IT top themes in AFMC We Need study

    Facility quality and information technology infrastructure topped the list of concerns identified through the Air Force Materiel Command’s AFMC We Need initiative, now in the survey analysis and implementation stage. The command-wide study launched by Gen. Arnold W. Bunch, Jr. shortly after he took

  • AFMC We Need team to conduct focus groups across enterprise

    The Air Force Materiel Command’s AFMC We Need team will travel to operating locations across the command to conduct in-person focus groups beginning July 22. The AFMC We Need enterprise-wide initiative, launched in late June, seeks inputs and recommendations from AFMC civilian and military Airmen

  • AFMC launches “AFMC We Need” initiative

    In an effort to make certain the Air Force Materiel Command is ideally structured and resourced to support the National Defense Strategy, AFMC leadership has launched an enterprise-wide initiative that will empower its Airmen and civilians to help shape the future of the command.