BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas – It’s Mission Monday. Meet Master Sgt. Jerome Saunders, Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center Detachment 4 Operation Branch Manager in the Protections Services Division at Ramstein Air Base, Germany.
As the operation branch manager, he oversees the organizing, training and equipping of all security forces units throughout U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa. He also helps support Theater Security Cooperation and Building Partnership Capacity initiatives within USAFE-AFAFRICA by providing security planning and execution for various engagements such as multinational airshows and tradeshows with coalition partners to increase capabilities and build relationships.
We asked the Killeen, Texas, native to tell us a little more about himself and the work he does for the Department of the Air Force.
What do you love about your job?
That I have traveled to so many countries while wearing this uniform and meeting all kinds of people from all different upbringings and backgrounds.
When it comes to your job, what keeps you motivated?
My family and coworkers.
Why are you and your team important to the Air Force and Space Force enterprise and your customers?
We’re the forward presence of AFIMSC and the Air Force Security Forces Center directly engaged with the security forces units assigned to this theater. In addition, we support U.S. security interests with Allied and partner nation military and security capabilities for self-defense and multinational operations, and provide security planning and execution for events such as airshows and tradeshows.
Describe a project or event you and your team worked on recently that gave you a great sense of accomplishment:
Working the June 2023 Paris Air/Trade Show where I led a 12-member security team for the largest-ever Paris Trade Show. The event showcased U.S. Department of Defense capabilities to over 3,000 exhibitors, 200 official delegations and a 350,000-person international crowd.
How does what you do support AFIMSC’s strategic priorities?
By supporting all USAFE security forces units when it comes to making sure that they’re equipped with the proper training, gear and weapons to increase the lethality and readiness of our Defenders.